Published on: 28/04/2024

Bora Muzhaqi meets with the Local Youth Council in the city of Prrenjas

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The Minister of State for Youth and Children, Bora Muzhaqi, today organized a meeting with the young people of the Prrenjas Local Youth Council, together with the Director of the National Youth Agency Geron Ibrahimi, the Mayor Nuri Belba, the Mayor of the Municipal Council , and the team responsible for youth policies in the municipality.

During the meeting, the various issues and challenges of the youth of this city and the plans for their solution were discussed. In the focus of the conversation were the initiatives undertaken by the Local Youth Council to empower the youth of the area.

With a budget dedicated to youth, Prrenjas Municipality is always at the side of young people, supporting them for a better future, and discussing with young people all the main decisions of the city, from the budget to investments in schools and infrastructure.

The young people highlighted their demands regarding the youth center, a technology laboratory, youth exchanges and the wishes for more national competitions for which Minister Muzhaqi agreed in principle to increase opportunities for youth empowerment.