Published on: 01/06/2024

Minister Bora Muzhaqi congratulates the children on June 1st, a holiday in Librazhd

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Bora Muzhaqi, the Minister of State for Youth and Children chose to celebrate the 1st of June this year with the children of Librazhdi. In the activity organized in the Cherry Park for more than 4 hours, the children played and had fun learning together about plant care, financial education, road safety, art and sports.

In addition to the Mayor of Librazhd, Mariglen Disha, Deputy. Minister of Health Denada Seferi, Director of ASHMF Alma Tandili, Director of World Vision Albania Eljona Elmazi, Edina Kozma from UNICEF, Anila Meço from Save the Children, Enkelejda Kallçiu from Terre des Hommes, the first lady, Amanda Begaj joined this celebration who visited the organized corners and got to know the children closely, with whom she also discussed their passions and desires.

Muzhaqi said that the institution she leads aims to promote education among children and young people through entertainment.

“This June 1 found us with the wonderful children of Librazhd where we had organized a series of activities to celebrate this day. We had a very nice corner of agriculture where the children learned how to plant and take care of the environment, we had a very nice corner of financial education where we learned how to save money, but also invest it, but also many sports organizations which are never missing in our activities, such as volleyball, basketball, table tennis and karate”.

According to Muzhaq, all these projects aim for children to engage in activities of value for their education without feeling this as a duty or request from adults. Another very important project is “Tradition in Dance”, supported by the National Youth Agency, through which 100 young people from all over Albania learn our beautiful dances, thus contributing to their preservation and passing down the generations. On this June 1, these young people stopped in Librazhd and greeted children and adults with folk dances from all over the world, performed so beautifully and skillfully by them.