Published on: 09/05/2024

Europe Week, Bora Muzhaqi: Albanian youth are Europe!

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As part of the European week, the Minister of State for Youth and Children, Bora Muzhaqi, organized the event “Europe is for Youth”.

Minister Bora Muzhaqi started her speech by congratulating Europe Day, “Happy Europe Day, on this day that finds Albania closer and closer to EU membership and with unrelenting efforts towards European integration for our children and young people.”

“For me, young Albanians are already in Europe. Our young people have all the values, all the skills, the same as their European peers.” added Minister Muzhaqi, further focusing on the wide range of programs offered to youth with the support of the European Union. Among which, he mentioned: EU for Schools, EU for Culture, Youth Guarantee and EU for Youth.

These programs focus on investing in youth infrastructure and increasing opportunities and engagement for young people to build their future in European Albania.

The Ambassador of the European Union, Silvio Gonzato, was also present at the event, together with whom the event “Europe is for Youth” was launched, with the presence of hundreds of young people to celebrate diversity, inclusiveness, cooperation, culture and human rights. .

During the event, “Europe is for Youth”, 5 of the young people present conveyed their messages for youth 2030, encouraging their peers to be an active part of society, with the common goal of EU membership.

Under the sound of music, young people celebrated Europe Day, from the always more European Tirana.