Published on: 31/05/2024

Bora Muzhaqi in Brussels: The best policies are designed with young people for young people

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Bora Muzhaqi, Minister of State for Youth and Children as a representative of Albania and the voice of the Albanian youth participated in the 588th plenary session of the European Economic and Social Commission on “Youth Voices for the EU Elections” to discuss successful policies for youth engagement.

Minister Bora Muzhaqi presented the methodology followed by Albania for the drafting of youth policies, by young people for young people in order to address every need of young people.

In her speech, Minister Muzhaqi focused on the drafting and approval of the National Youth Strategy 2022-2029, the Youth Law, 61 local youth councils and the National Youth Council, which are also the main structures in Albania to empower the voice of young people. Furthermore, Muzhaqi emphasized the support provided by the National Youth Agency for the implementation of youth projects and the development of youth infrastructure by the municipalities.

Also, Minister Bora Muzhaqi brought to the attention of internationals the positioning of Albania in the Youth Progress Index.

“Last year, the European Youth Forum launched the Youth Progress Index, which analyzes data from over 150+ countries on basic human needs, the basics of well-being and opportunities, and while the results showed frozen progress for youth in Europe, Albania was one of the three countries with the most significant rate of improvement in the last twelve years.” Muzhaq said.

President Röpke emphasized that the EU has a lot to learn from a candidate country like Albania for youth policies, and the invitation for Albania’s participation is not a coincidence, but the result of the impressive work on youth engagement and youth policies that Albania has developed.